The simple and nimble cache of transport offers.

Pour quoi :

To optimize you online distribution by reducing the response times of requests made by your customers.

Pour qui :

For all the travel agencies that need to boost their online distribution by reducing their response times.


Skyner is a cache of offers that allows you to stock and administrate transport offers coming from different supply sources (GDS, low cost…). It reduces waiting time for requests made by your customers online.

We noticed that reducing waiting time for online requests could drastically reduce abandonment rate. Skyner enhances your performance to help you sell more.

Thanks to Skyner, you will have a reference of available offers along with their rates. This makes it possible to be faster for your dynamic packaging. Especially developed for travel agencies, Skyner is a real facilitator of the sales and distribution of your online transport offer.

Discover Skyner

Manage a cache of transport offers with Skyner:

– Creation of a cache of offers coming from the GDS, low cost carriers and charter airlines.
– Customized configuration of the data collection.
– Intelligent and automatic update of the rates.
– Return of the offers under file formats or web service.

The benefits of using Skyner:

– Feed a calendar of departure dates with the rates corresponding to available offers.
– Enhance the response time while reducing operating costs.
– Avoid the repeated massive requesting of your supply sources.
– Provide an analysis tool to highlight products for the opening of sales.

Simplicity of integration:

– In real time via its XML API when Skyner is connected to a booking system.
– On a batch to answer to an extraction request made via a predetermined process (FTP server export) or an SQL requestor.

Enrichment of the database:

– On a batch from systematic offer collection lists.
– In real time by an occasional enrichment.
– In a mixed mode to manage false availabilities.
– Use of specific algorithms to reduce the volume of collection.