Dematerialize your management.

Logiciel pour agence de voyages d'affaires

Pour quoi :

To give your clients a secure access to their invoices and statements. This tool enhances the workflow of your accounting documents.

Pour qui :

For business travel agencies that want to provide their customers with more autonomy and better service with a simple and efficient tool.


TravelBox aims at giving your clients the opportunity to autonomously consult and retrieve their invoices and statements. The process follows a precise definition of the users’ profiles: travellers, accountant, booker, cost centre manager…

It is a practical accounting management tool to store your documents and manage litigations. Litigations can occur between you and your clients. They mobilize your agents and represent time-consuming tasks that decrease your competitiveness. Travelbox can answer to this problematique: this tool allows you to enhance the flow of your accounting documents.

This software was especially designed for business travel agencies. It provides your clients with a direct access to the invoices and accounting statements concerning the business trips of their employees. You and your customers won’t lose anymore time searching for invoices one by one. All these documents will be available online and donwloadable in the most common formats.

Discover TravelBox

Using TravelBox represents several benefits for business travel agencies:

– Offer a premium service to your customers thanks to this secure online portal.
– Save time and treasury thanks to an intuitive invoice validation engine.
– Increase your agents’ performance and help them refocus on their objectives.

But mostly, it benefits their clients:

– They have access to all their accounting documents in a secure environment thanks to a multi-criteria search engine.
– They can define several accreditation according to their user profile.
– They have access to an accounting reconciliation module to make things easier between services.
– They can monitor their KPI in the blink of an eye thanks to the dedicated and interactive dashboards.

Here are a few examples of validation workflows:

– The invoice is sent to the accounting service.
– The traveller validates or refuses the invoice via TravelBox.
– The accounting service can validate or refuse but also contest the invoice. This will notify the travel agency.
– The travel agency receives the notification and corrects the invoice, if needed, which enhances the workflow.

TravelBox allows you to manage different user profiles:

– The administrator who manages the access of his or her clients.
– The colleague who can view and validate or refuse his invoices.
– The account manager who can view and validate or refuse the invoices that have the same statistics field as his or hers.
– The booker who can view the invoices for the bookings he or she managed.
– The accountant who can view all the invoices and statements as well as the reconciliation module.